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What is Bitcoin cash

Bitcoin cash is a new cryptocurrency that appeared in 2017 due to the division of the bitcoin blockchain into 2 versions. Since the creation of bitcoin in 2009, it has become more popular every year, the number of users has grown, the blockchain network has grown.

But the size of the block itself did not exceed 1 MB. Because of this, the number of transactions that could fit in here was limited. Block generation in the blockchain takes place every ten minutes. With a size of 1 MB, you cannot process more than seven transactions in one minute, but their number has grown every year. Therefore, the processing time increased and the commissions grew.

A group of people who did not like this state of affairs decided to fork (split). This increased the throughput of the block and the number of transactions in one minute. The block volume has been increased from 1 to 8 MB, fees have been reduced, and the number of transactions has been increased.

Despite the fact that Bitcoin cash has not received full community approval, and not all exchanges immediately recognized it, the prospects for it are good. On our website, you can both buy and sell this cryptocurrency. To do this, you just need to fill out the application form after which a support service specialist will contact you and help you choose a convenient way to buy or sell bitcoin cash.

Advantages of Bitcoin cash over regular Bitcoin

The advantages of Bitcoin cash over BTC are as follows:

  • The block size itself has been increased from 1 to 8 MB, which allows more transactions in one minute and lower fees.
  • Transactions are not repeated or erased. The two chains are arranged together in such a way that they coexist peacefully. The risk of duplication and erasure of data is excluded.
  • In transaction technology, the quadratic hashing problem has been eliminated.
  • By increasing transactions in one minute, fees have been significantly reduced.

To buy bitcoin cash on our website, you need to fill out an application for replenishing Bitcoin cash, after which a support specialist will contact you.

Further, the client has 2 payment methods for replenishing the wallet: in cash at the office or by bank transfer. The purchase rate is fixed at the time of payment from a card or an exchange in the office. On the website’s calculator, you can make calculations to find out how much money you need to buy.

After the% of the commission and the amount of the wallet replenishment have been agreed, you make the payment, and we transfer the BCH to your wallet. The order execution time is 1 hour.

In order to sell bitcoin cash, you also need to fill out an application on our website. Then a technical support specialist will contact you and you will agree with him a convenient way for you to exchange BCH. When selling there are 3 of them: bank transfer, delivery of money by courier in Kiev and payment at the office.

We send money to cards of any bank in Ukraine. First, you must leave a request on the site. After that, a support employee contacts you, fixes the sales rate and our commission. You transfer the BCH to our wallet, we will cash to your card.

To deliver money by courier across Kiev to your home, the transaction amount must be at least $ 1000. You fill out an application on the website. Then with our employee you agree on the amount of the commission and the BCH. Delivery terms are discussed with each client individually.

To receive money in the office, you fill out an application on the website, our employee will call you back and agree on the time of the meeting. The exchange rate and the size of the commission are fixed on the spot. Then you transfer bitcoin cash to our wallet, and we will give you cash. The operation takes an hour.